Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pre-Permanency Conference

So we had M1s pre-permanency conference and it was definitely interesting. One of the most important lawyers, the one who insisted the meeting be held in the first place, didn't bother to show up and both of the birthparents' lawyers did not prep the birthparents for what they would most likely hear at the meeting at all! So, poor birthmom heard for the very first time in front of a room full of people that the state will be petitioning to terminate her rights, probably later this month. She was in complete shock. Now, she SHOULD have known this was coming on her own, but either she's in denial or even more likely has no clue and it was her lawyer's job to prepare her and she didn't. That makes me angry. Birthmom shouldn't have had to find out that way. Birthdad heard that he has 2 months to get his act together otherwise the state will also be petitioning to terminate his rights as well. Both birthgrandparents were told they were not suitable candidates for guardianship or adoption. They DID NOT like hearing that. The difference between termination and relinquishment was discussed. Well, discussed is a loose term. They told the birthparents about both options, but the birthparents did not participate in the conversation or ask any questions. The entire purpose of this meeting was SUPPOSED to be to discuss whether the birthparents were going to relinquish or force the state to file for termination. It was supposed to be for discussing their options, but since 3 separate lawyers dropped the ball that didn't happen at all. I'm not sure when the next court date or even team meeting will be. It should definitely be interesting whenever either one of them happens.

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